Friday, November 27, 2009

A good technology assessment: Technology Applications Inventory vs SETDA teacher survey

When I took the Technology Applications Inventory I realized right away that my foundation was extremely different than the other three parts of the survey. Somehow I scored very high on my foundation due to the fact that I have a very good knowledge about computers. However, the other three part of the survey I answered with a yes to only three fourths of the questions which means that a still need more professional development on technology. I strongly feel that this assessment was very accurate and at the same time this assessment has four domains with questions that I feel really target the technological knowledge of the individual taking the test.

Furthermore, the SETDA teacher survey has far more questions but is not as well designed as the Technology Applications Inventory assessment. In fact, the SETDA teacher survey has many questions that are very similar to each other which in a way it doesn´t make a lot of sense why they would ask questions with such similarities like questions T13 and T14. Also, some of the questions on this test pertain to students and by doing that they are not focusing entirely on the teacher. Therefore, I do not agree with this test at all because it seems to be sort of confusing how they ask some questions.

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